Metabolic Dysfunction
Metabolic Syndrome is a condition that includes some combination of insulin resistance, high blood pressure, disruption of cholesterol, and extra body-fat around the midsection. If untreated, compounding oxidative stress (metabolic dysfunction) results in chronic inflammation and increased risk for heart disease and stroke, diabetes, cancer, dementia, obesity, kidney disease, liver disease, glaucoma, and macular degeneration.
Excessive carbohydrate (sugar and starch) consumption is directly linked to metabolic dysfunction and oxidative stress. Research indicates short term low carbohydrate dieting can reverse metabolic dysfunction and diabetes progression. In our clinic, we have observed reversal of metabolic damage within just 6 months.
While exercise improves metabolic dysfunction, cigarette smoking and consumption of highly oxidizable (Omega-6) fats likely increases metabolic dysfunction and inflammation.
Metabolic damage is detected during a retinal eye exam by observing changes in blood vessels, presence of hemorrhages or cholesterol, and retinal inflammation. If untreated, severe metabolic damage in the eye may result in permanent vision loss.
Have you had your retina examined this year? Schedule your exam today.